Classical Pianist

PERCY BRIER Serenade for Viola and Piano

In 2016, I developed an interest in creating score editions when I took a course called “Sources and Editions” at Queensland Conservatorium. At that time, I created a critical edition based on the manuscript of Serenade for Viola and Piano by Australian composer Percy Brier. I was glad that Peter Roennfeldt invited Timothy Tate and me to contribute our work to produce the final version for publication. After a long wait of six years, it’s finally published by Wirripang (available here)!

Brier (1885-1970) was an all-rounded musician. He enjoyed a long career of over 60 years as a highly successful and productive musician. He was outstanding in all his roles, including soloist, chamber music performer, composer, teacher, conductor, adjudicator, examiner and organisational leader. As soloist and chamber music performer, Brier was said to have performed in more than 50 recitals. He strived to cultivate an appreciation in the audience.

As a composer, he was rather old-fashioned and he would normally avoid musical innovations. It was unfortunate that his large output has remained unpublished. I wish his published works will be performed more often so as to enhance his reputation as a distinguished composer.